Digital Ocean
DigitalOcean is the perfect platform for anyone just starting out. With DigitalOcean, you can get started with cloud-based systems in minutes, without all the hassles of setting up and managing your own infrastructure. Plus, there are many great features available right now that will help you boost your business.
In this guide, I'll walk you through creating an API Token on your Digital Ocean account.
Create Digital Ocean API Token
Step 1: Click on an API in the left sidebar.
Step 2: Click the Tokens/Keys section and click on Generate New Token button.
Step 3: Enter Token name, set Expiration as No expiry
, set Scopes as mentioned below, and click the Generate Token button.
Step 4: You can copy your API key.
Integrate Digital Ocean API Token with XVPS
Step 1: Navigate to Profile
Step 2: Navigate to Integration Providers
Step 3: Select Digital Ocean
Step 4: Enter Title and Access Token and Click on the Check API button.
If your API Token is valid, you will see a successful message on the screen.